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If you have entered a correct email from our database, we will respond in 24 hours.
You can request a new account by submitting your details to your local sales centre. Upon approval, we will email you a temporary password.
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The need for visible, secure, efficient and effective data management solutions is clear to all organisations - regardless of size. Content Services solutions capture, store, analyse and automate content that was previously unstructured and difficult to access. That’s why organisations are increasingly turning to Content Services.
The workshop consists of a one-day discovery session into your business and it’s entirely up to you of which departments (HR, Finance etc.) and processes (Employee onboarding, account payable, etc.) you wish us to focus on.
Process investigation
We help to investigate your current workflow, discuss the findings and suggestions we make for each key process, following the service methodology of ‘capture, store, access, measure, integrate and manage’.
What's involved?
Your heads of departments and IT support team will be invited to the workshop, our dedicated and experienced ECM consultants will help to discover and assess your current processes, plus future requirements.
To book your free one-day data and process discovery workshop, please fill in the form below and one the team will contact you.