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KYOCERA Document Solutions (UK) is committed to ensuring good labour practice along its entire supply chain. As the UK sales and marketing subsidiary of KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc. our main business is the supply of printer and copier hardware manufactured by our parent company, together with consumables, accessories and software associated with these products.
KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc. owns and operates its own factories according to the Kyocera Philosophy and in line with the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact on Human Rights. It has adopted the Kyocera CSR Guidelines as its code of conduct for business activities throughout the Group, which includes commitments to respect the human rights of employees and to eliminate forced labour and child labour. This provides a high level of assurance that there are no human rights violations at the manufacturing stage of the supply chain. The greatest risk of slavery and human trafficking lies in the raw materials stage, where KYOCERA relies on third party suppliers of the materials and components contained in its products.
In response to this risk, KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc. has distributed its Supply-Chain CSR Deployment Guidebook to all of its suppliers inside and outside Japan and has also provided them with guidance about the prohibition of child labour and forced labour. Suppliers inside and outside Japan are also required to complete self-assessment questionnaires and attend training.
You can find KYOCERA Document Solutions UK's Modern Slavery Act Compliance Statement in the download list.