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Kyocera put together an innovative approach that enabled the oldest Catholic school in England to migrate to a new Mitel solution with integrated MS Teams and Microsoft education software. This has enabled improved learning outcomes as staff are able to communicate effectively.
On Christmas Eve while the world above is silent and tranquil, the bustling facility below is a hive of activity. Santa Claus, with his iconic red suit and twinkling eyes, is not only checking his list twice, but ensuring everything is GDPR compliant.
Ok, let me level with you, if I had a baseball bat I am not sure I would have the courage to use it should a thief enter my home. Neither do I advise this is the correct course of action in such a scenario. The point I am making rather, is the importance of Cyber Hygiene.
We're going to be at ACPME in Cardiff this 13-15 May to give print and graphic arts professionals in the education sector the chance to learn about our revolutionary inkjet production print solutions, carbon neutral managed print services and the content solutions that can support your department.
On Sunday 2nd October, Brian Wood MC, former Colour Sergeant will pay tribute to our fallen 890 British Lives lost in the Iraq, Afghanistan and Falklands war (40th anniversary) conflicts by starting his Ultimate Sacrifice challenge pledging to run a total of 917 miles (35 Marathons in 35 days) dedicating every mile to our fallen comrades, this is 255 extra people, and miles than last year.
Kyocera holds true to the values of our philosophy, which guides all of our decisions 'to do what is right as a human being'. Keep Attacking demonstrates that we are not alone in our approach, with their values, ethos and goals matching our spirt and unifying us in our partnership.
Meet our lean green printing machine – the KYOCERA TASKalfa Pro 15000c - at The Print Show this September. We are showcasing our eco inkjet production printer live on ASL’s stand at the NEC. Discover the green alternative for transactional, trans-promo and direct mail print production.
Kyocera Corporation (President: Hideo Tanimoto, hereinafter "Kyocera") today announced that it has been recognized by CDP among the world's leading enterprises as an "A List 2023" company for environmental transparency and performance in combating climate change.
AI is all around us or so the story goes. Artificial Intelligence is rapidly becoming embedded into our lives, whether we like it or not. Many may not even be aware of the impact AI has on almost every aspect of our day from social media algorithms, to autocorrect, programming a wash cycle, or even asking an assistant to play relaxing music. AI has very much enmeshed itself into our daily activities.
Like many other HR professionals, I find myself with key challenges that are competing for the skills and attention of myself and my team. The relentless pace of changing technology, human needs and uncertainty at all levels makes the demands of any HR professional more ‘stressed’ than ever.
This year continues to be dominated by strong headwinds caused by financial and workforce challenges, yet we must remain determined to pursue growth. Price Inflation persists, high interest rates remain and foreign currency is volatile, all these factors impact strategies for 2023 into 2024.
Companies and organisations face numerous operational and IT challenges, from data security to improving efficiency. To combat and overcome these challenges, many are turning towards using a Managed Service Provider (MSP) such as Kyocera Annodata.
Given the complex business world that we are all navigating, it is increasingly important that we nurture our business relationships, and develop true partnerships with our customers, supply-chain and other stakeholders underpinned by our Philosophy to do what is right.
Enterprises can protect their customers’ data by implementing the security features embedded in content management solutions such as strict control, auditing, and tracking of access to information, as well as regular back-ups of valuable data that can be easily restored at any time in case it is accidentally deleted or damaged.
Tools such as Content Services are now dominating the arena of automation, providing the services to take care of tasks right from capture, upon receipt of the information, through to delivering it into the integrated business system or a designated professional’s inbox.
The invention of modern computers and the internet completely reshaped the way we think about content management. In the digital age, we have access to an endless stream of data that we can use to optimise businesses in every industry. If processing invoices and contracts manually feels outdated, it’s because it is! The rise of the paperless office will leave documents from just a few years ago feeling as old as Hammurabi’s clay tablets. Content Services are the modern answer to information management, enabling you to efficiently archive, protect, and share valuable data across your organisation.
The Office of the Future: Survey Report 2019 has been created from a partnership with GovNewsDirect. Engaging 406 public sector staff across 348 public sector organisations, the survey focuses on five levers driving change in the public sector. It also identifies how the public sector office is evolving.
This whitepaper, developed using IDG Research of 150 large European businesses, provides evidence as to how companies are confronting the difficulties that come with constant innovation. By welcoming new technology into the workplace alongside a people-led approach, business leaders are seeing efficiency and productivity soar.
Environmental sustainability has become a significant motivator for decisions at every strata of society. Critically, more and more organisations are publicly seeking to reduce their environmental impact through more sustainable business practices, supply chains and procurement.
Digital security should be high on every IT Directors priority list. As yet more organisations are being caught out, attention is now being focussed on cyber security. But the printers on the network still represent a ‘back door’ into many organisations. This paper examines the issues involves and makes practical suggestions to improve printer security.
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