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GLL is the UK’s foremost charitable leisure social enterprise, in 2023 celebrating 30 years of supporting community health and wellbeing in partnership with local authorities, public agencies and sport organisations.
In addition to swimming pools, gyms, sport halls, pitches, and golf courses. GLL runs the UK’s largest independent athlete support programme – the GLL Sport Foundation (GSF) – celebrating its 15th year in 2023.
GLL promote healthy and active lifestyles, giving communities access to facilities that help improve their health and happiness through participation in leisure and cultural activities – including public libraries and world class such as those on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and the Lee Valley Regional Park.
Kyocera Annodata began its sponsorship of the GLL Sport Foundation in 2015, since then the programme has delivered awards to over 20,000 athletes.
Through the 2023/2024 funding cycle, over 2,000 athletes will benefit from free gym memberships and bursaries to help with the cost of training, travel, kit, and physiotherapy.
Annodata – a Kyocera Group company – is proud to have contributed to this year’s £1.2m fund to cultivate our next generation of sports people.
Not only has the partnership helped bring forward the Commonwealth, Olympic and Paralympic medal winning talents of Anthony Joshua, Tom Daley, Darryl Neita and Stephanie Millward, it has also provided a lifeline to aspiring athletes across the UK’s community’s grass roots clubs and teams. It is these individuals that have been hardest hit by the current cost of living crisis.
Kyocera Annodata has made no secret of its ambition to support the next generation of the UK sporting talent in their pursuit of success – enriching local communities in the process – as part of its steadfast commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR).
“We made the decision to begin supporting the GLL Sport Foundation in 2015, and it is a pleasure to announce the renewal of our sponsorship with this incredible institution.
Many bright and talented athletes throughout the United Kingdom are unable to chase their dreams of sporting glory due to lack of funding. We are passionate about helping GSF give equal opportunities to all young people and achieving their dreams of competing on the international stage.
Our partnership enables both our brands to share the success of the UK’s most aspiring athletes who we are
proud to have heard speak in such an inspirational way at our internal Sales Conferences and who have supported our marketing and brand development goals through representation and storytelling both in person and via social media”.
“I am delighted with the continued support from Annodata, its has been a long and rewarding partnership between us and I can genuinely say that we have consistently made a
real difference to the life chances of thousands of talented young people.
The support from Annodata and other partners form the backbone of the GLL Sport Foundation, and we look forward to many more years of working together to bring social change and many more opportunities for young people.”
who secured a bronze in the women’s 100m and a silver in the 4×4 100m relay at the Birmingham Commonwealth Games said:
“I am so thankful for the support I have received from GLL Sport Foundation. My first individual medal ever is extremely special, and I would not be here if it wasn’t for the support, I have received from the GLL ‘family’.”