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If you have entered a correct email from our database, we will respond in 24 hours.
You can request a new account by submitting your details to your local sales centre. Upon approval, we will email you a temporary password.
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Kyocera Enterprise Information Manager (KEIM) help you start or add value to your organisations digitisation journey, going from analog to digital, archiving any record, enriching data by connecting external sources, routing documents and requesting approvals for invoices and contract management are really just a few examples of the many options that an "Enterprise Content Management" (ECM) solution must support. Kyocera Enterprise Information Manager, a sophisticated ECM/CPS platform, provides all of these features (and more) to add value to your business.
Document versioning and revision-safe archiving allow complete traceability for compliance purposes.
Never miss a deadline with faster automated and structured workflows (BPM).
Make business content findable with our elastic search capability.
It supports on-premises operation, a hybrid approach or fully cloud based operation.
A sophisticated security framework that incorporates roles, structures and encryption.
Add more value to your business by integrating exisiting business applications and ERP's.
Document management systems offer companies opportunities to streamline processes, boost security, and uncover new areas for value creation.
Herewith you will find all the downloads available for this product.
Kyocera believes that being recognised as a Player by Gartner in this Magic Quadrant for Content Services Platforms paves the way for further business expansion in the market.