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With technology evolving at a rapid rate, especially in the last few years, many organisations and society as a whole are benefiting from this growth. However, while improved technology is allowing organisations to expand their products and solutions, they are also falling into the hand of cyber criminals. Therefore, it is no surprise that the volume and complexity ofsecurity threats facing today’s organisations are increasing daily.
As cyber crime becomes a growing problem, organisations must ensure they are protected across the entire network, including through printers.
While there is no simple solution that prevents organisations from experiencing a cyber attack there are steps they can follow to reduce their chances of becoming a victim of one.
But how?
The right EDR service can detect more than just malware. By utilising machine learning and AI, as well as compromise monitoring software and endpoint agents, M-EDR can identify suspicious behaviours and flag them before they have a significant impact. Furthermore, it will be able to give security analysts greater insight into an attack and allow them to adapt processes to prevent similar incursions happening in future.
To further protect an organisation, business leaders need to look to printer protection. With people working from home business leaders need to educate their staff on how to best protect themselves. Remote workers can disable Wi-Fi printing on their home printers, switch off their printers when not in use, and avoid printing important corporate documents at home. Organisations can help by removing personal printers from VPN connections, preventing employees from using personal printers in the first place.
It is vital an organisation ensures their products are consistently up to a high standard both in terms of quality and data security. By achieving this both the organisation and its customers will have peace of mind that they have the correct technology in place to limit the impact of a cyber-attack. As organisations continue to face a new wave of cybersecurity threats there is no room for complacency. Business leaders need to continue to innovate inorder to give customers data the best possible protection.
At Kyocera Document Solutions we ensure that our technology is always up to the highest standard, providing the best possible technology that is recognised by industry experts. Recently, Ten A3 MFP Kyocera devices in the TASKalfa 3554ci series passed Keypoint intelligence’s rigorous BLI Security Validation Test program. Passing this programme ensures organisations that Kyocera products operate at the highest of standards, having strict access with only authorised parties given entry ratification. Data encryption across devices keeps all confidential data and network information secure with Automatic K-Level security installation eliminating risks of human error.
Organisations are facing a new wave of cybersecurity threats, and there is no room for complacency. It is imperative that businesses across the globe continue to innovate to give customers data the best possible protection.