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Reading, UK – 9 December 2020: KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc. has announced the renewal of its ISMS Cloud Security Certification, which is based on the ISO/IEC 27017 international security standard for cloud services. Kyocera obtained the certification for the first time in 2017, becoming the first organisation in the document device industry to do so*. The certification was renewed after an audit process to confirm compliance with audit standards.
The ISMS** Cloud Security Certification is a third-party certification which recognises adequate information security management for cloud security to protect important data from various threats and mitigate risks.
Nowadays, as cloud services are increasingly being used in a variety of industries, tighter security control and management are required in accordance with the latest international standards regarding data security and the handling of personal information. Kyocera is working to achieve comprehensive control of security for data created in customers' document workflows. With the renewal of its ISMS Cloud Security Certification, the company will continually strive to improve its quality of document solution services and provide cloud services that are safer, more secure, and more flexible, thus contributing to the development of its customers’ businesses.
Entity: Kyocera Document Solutions Inc.
Date: November 17, 2017
Renewal date : October 22, 2020
Range: ISO/IEC27001 (JIS Q 27001) Certificate Number: IS 735190 The ISMS cloud security management system for the development, operation and maintenance of "KYOCERA Fleet Services"*** as its cloud service provider, and for the use of Microsoft Azure as a cloud service customer
No: CLOUD 73513
Examining organization: BSI Group Japan K.K.
*First time for a multifunctional product and printer manufacturer to obtain the ISMS Cloud Security Certification.
**System that manages security-related risks to information assets in an organisation.
***KYOCERA Fleet Services: Service to provide remote control and maintenance of multifunctional products and printers. The remote maintenance service "ECOSYS NET" provided by Kyocera Document Solutions Japan, the sales company in Japan, uses KYOCERA Fleet Services.
Microsoft and Azure are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.