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The organisation was founded in Japan in April 1959 by Dr. Kazuo Inamori, originally named Kyoto Ceramic Co. with just 28 members of staff. After merging with four affiliates in 1982, the company took on the name of Kyocera Corporation, which it maintains today. In 2019, Kyocera Corporation went on to record 1.623 trillion yen in revenue, and now boasts over 70,000 employees across the globe.
Beginning with its traditional business in ceramics, the organisation has diversified over its many years to provide a range of products and services including automotive units, electronic devices, solar power generating systems and document solutions, among others. The corporation today offers an immensely wide variety of products and components that can be found in all different kinds of environments, from supercomputers to the International Space Station and NASA’s Mars Rovers. Using over 200 different types of fine ceramics, the group has pioneered numerous breakthroughs and driven innovation throughout countless industries.
Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. today plays a key role within the group under the
banner of document solutions. Kyocera Corporation entered the workplace solutions industry through their acquisition of Mita Industrial Co. in 2000, creating Kyocera Mita
Corporation. In 2012, the division rebranded under the name Kyocera Document Solutions to consolidate their position as pioneering leaders in the industry at a global level.
Kyocera Document Solutions UK is one of the company’s leading regional headquarters, providing the UK region with market-leading hardware and software solutions to drive efficiency within the business environment.
The Kyocera Corporation is the guiding light for Kyocera Document Solutions UK and honours its parent company by celebrating this landmark achievement.
The organisation takes great pride in its heritage, sharing expert knowledge with customers around the world within various industries to make the planet a more efficient and environmentally friendly place that will ensure sustainable growth for all in the present and for years to come.
Kyocera works in full alignment with their company philosophy, established by Dr. Inamori. In it, he explains that “Kyocera’s history is a story of doing what no one else had dared to do, and of opening roads where no one had ventured before”. By pursuing the corporate motto of “Respect the divine and love people”, the company seeks to provide ground-breaking technology which can make the world a better and more sustainable place.
Dr. Inamori’s business philosophy has become established as a globally recognised way of understanding professionalism while striving for greatness. For this reason, Dr. Inamori was honoured in 2009 with the “Entrepreneur for the World” Award at the World Entrepreneurship Forum held in Lyon, France.
The past 60 years of Kyocera have been marked by the company’s unparalleled business growth and determination to succeed in each of the group’s many industries of operation. The future is bright for Kyocera as the company embraces the challenges ahead, adapting to the modern world full of emerging technologies such as robotics, Internet of Things, 5G, Artificial Intelligence and cloud computing. Kyocera will lead this technological evolution, learning from each and every breakthrough, integrating developments into future business strategies in order to strive for excellence.
For more information on Kyocera Corporation's 60th anniversary celebration and overall history can be found here: