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Schiphol-Rijk, The Netherlands – 5 June 2018: As a basis of KYOCERA values, the company’s commitment to harmonious coexistence has been driven through a global environmental management system with an environment vision for 2020 – divided in three main areas: Green Products, Green Factories and Green Communication.
Since the foundation of the company, and based on the corporate motto ‘Respect the Divine and love people’, the entire KYOCERA Corporation group has been committed to environmental management and aims for sustainable corporate development – while striving to combine the goals of ecology and economy through environmentally friendly products and CSR policies.
The company aims for every product it sells to contribute to the betterment of the global environment and endeavours to raise global awareness. This is why the group has specified the Environmental Consciousness concept to guide and contribute actively to climate change prevention, resource and energy saving, and reductions in hazardous substances – and has established evaluation criteria for each product. As a result of the group's efforts, 99% of KYOCERA’s products were designated Green Products in Fiscal Year 2017 according to the last CSR Report.
Likewise, KYOCERA Document Solutions, the company that undertakes document solutions within the group, conducts environmentally conscious activities in various other aspects including longevity, 3R design (reduce, reuse and recycle), and low-consumption power design that reduces greenhouse effect gas emissions.
KYOCERA Group is part of the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. And, as part of its ten principles, one of the main goals is to uphold green initiatives supporting a precautionary approach to environmental challenges; thereby undertaking initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility and encouraging the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
The initiatives carried out this past fiscal year have earned KYOCERA seven awards, one of which – the Commendation for ‘Global Warming’ which was awarded by the Japanese Environment Minister – KYOCERA has won for eight consecutive years.
About KYOCERA Document Solutions
KYOCERA Document Solutions, headquartered in Osaka, Japan, is a leading manufacturer of document imaging solutions and document management systems, including colour and monochrome multifunctional products as well as printers and wide format devices. Kyocera’s products are renowned for their unique long-life imaging components that provide greater reliability and less waste - resulting in a lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) over the life of the product. The KYOCERA Document Solutions portfolio does not stop at hardware. A full suite of business applications and consultative services allow customers to optimise and manage their document workflow, unleashing the full potential of their hardware investment.
KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc. is a core company of KYOCERA Corporation, the world's leading developer and manufacturer of advanced ceramics and associated products, including telecommunications equipment, semiconductor packages and electronic components. During the year ended March 31 2017, Kyocera Corporation's net sales totalled 1.42 trillion yen (approx. EUR 11.9 billion).