Please enter your username or email. We’ll send you an email with instructions on how to reset your password. If you have forgotten your username, did not receive the email to reset your password or need help, contact our support team.
If you have entered a correct email from our database, we will respond in 24 hours.
You can request a new account by submitting your details to your local sales centre. Upon approval, we will email you a temporary password.
Click on the link below to sign into Kyocera Connect which will take you to Account Services.
With over 25 years providing solutions to the hospitality and tourism industry, Kyocera understands implicitly what the industry requires and is uniquely positioned to offer a full range of solutions.
Kyocera has over 1000 hotels under contract, ranging from multi-nationals to individual boutique hotels. We therefore understand the individual preferences of the brands that we offer our services to.
They understand the demands and needs of the hospitality industry
Inflation and energy price rises are driving cost pressure. In-depth analysis will identify where cuts can be made
Paper-based, manual invoice processing leads to inefficiency, excessive processing costs and siloed data
Businesses must be conscious of their environmental impact due to changing consumer expectations and behaviour
While data security methods have advanced considerably, so have the possibilities of data leaks and virus attacks
Hiring and retaining staff has always been one of the most common problems in the hospitality industry
It’s important to choose the right technologies and right strategy for a specific business
Our approach is a flexible and adaptable managed services model providing just the right amount of services tailored to each individual requirement.
Carbon neutral printers & MFPs from Kyocera.
All new printers, MFPs and Production printers are offered fully carbon neutral. We offer a bolt on to older Kyocera models that allows them to be carbon offset.
How do we offset the carbon of our print devices?
Kyocera can carbon offset all our devices, plus the Kyocera genuine consumables they use over the lifetime of the product (see t&cs), through a simple bolt-on to the device purchase. This covers all elements of production, packaging, transportation, Kyocera consumables, plus Kyocera genuine toner and device recycling. Based on these factors, we've calculated how much carbon needs to be offset for each device in our range.
We offset your new Kyocera devices through myclimate, the same partner we use to offset our own UK business operations. With myclimate, we invest in international projects which are certified by CDM Gold Standard. It is the most stringent certification for carbon offsetting projects and is supported by 60 NGOs worldwide. It is the only standard which certifies a project’s sustainable development factors, including co-benefit criteria like healthcare, job creation or reforestation. You can learn more about myclimate from our climate action page..
Our broad range of security solutions provides a unified suite of technology to maximise protection in an ever-changing IT landscape; reducing the risk of data breaches.
Our range of managed services are tailored to meet the needs of your organisation, from full IT management to extra support when you need it.
A range of cloud solutions that offer flexible and tailorable capabilities to meet the demands of the modern working environment.
Our assessment led approach is designed to define, inform and support your ICT strategy, not simply impose critique. Using our experience and expertise, we make it our mission to find insights & risks that you currently do not know exist in your school today.
We provide best practice advice that adresses your specific challenges within education, providing the pathway to achieve your compliance, safeguarding and innovation goals.
We will:
Our industry-leading managed services enable you to optimise costs and reduce the complexity of managing multiple suppliers.
Unified Communications (UCaaS) provide a simplified, cost-effective, and highly secure communication solution which is scalable, flexible and versatile.
By tailoring and customising the perfect process automation streamline for you, we can decrease manual input errors, increase speed of delivery, boost quality, minimise costs, and simplify business processes.
We incorporate software tools, people, and processes to create a completely digital automated workflow, reducing paper and improving productivity and efficiency.
We’re committed to giving you the highest quality, most reliable products and services in an environmentally responsible way. We use our international certifications to help us maintain and improve our environmental programs and quality control.
Our accreditations demonstrate our total commitment to you, our supply chain, our partners, customers and the environment. They demonstrate that we aim to do the right thing as human beings – a fundamental part of our company philosophy.