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Reduce Total Cost of Ownership by up to 30%. It sounds incredible, but it's true. We'll not only help you cut the cost of operational necessities such as consumables, energy and support, but show you how you can eliminate wastage such as unauthorised printing. The cumulative savings can be - and usually are - extremely high.
With state-of-the-art solutions that streamline document management through automated processes, plus advanced device management that saves staff time, you'll see a quantum leap in productivity. and with optimised workflows and less downtime, your IT support team will be less stressed, too!
The cost and hassle of dealing with multiple suppliers can be high. But not when you partner with Kyocera Managed Document Services (MDS). That's because we'll supply everything you need to keep your devices running smoothly (regardless of brand), as well as assume responsibility for all your maintenance and repair needs.
We’ve already seen a 25% reduction in running costs.
Working with Kyocera MDS will bring your company superb benefits. This begs the obvious question: how do we deliver these benefits? The answer is simple. It's by optimising your entire document environment through five carefully designed phases, each one fully customised to the unique requirements of your business.
These phases are: Assessment, Design, Implementation, Management and Optimisation.
This phase is designed to identify areas for waste reduction, workflow improvement and reduced environmental impact. Using in-depth data analysis, together with interviews and surveys, we build a complete understanding of your operational processes, with a focus on:
What’s the ideal combination of hardware, software and process development to optimise your system? Based on the results of Phase 1, we’ll maximise your return on investment, by focusing on:
When we’ve assessed your system and agreed a solution with you, we implement that solution. This process is carried out by our expert team of change management professionals and is designed to ensure minimum disruption to your business, from installation to training.
Our management service is committed to delivering optimised performance, reliability and cost-efficiency. With a range of on-site and remote support capabilities, we take care of your entire document infrastructure, keeping workflows at peak levels and looking after time-consuming daily administration.
Once we’ve optimised your print environment, we’ll continually assess your device fleet and workflows for new ways to improve cost-cutting and performance. We’ll provide: