Please enter your username or email. We’ll send you an email with instructions on how to reset your password. If you have forgotten your username, did not receive the email to reset your password or need help, contact our support team.
If you have entered a correct email from our database, we will respond in 24 hours.
You can request a new account by submitting your details to your local sales centre. Upon approval, we will email you a temporary password.
Click on the link below to sign into Kyocera Connect which will take you to Account Services.
multi-functional device
Gigabit-Ethernet board 10BaseT/100BaseTX/1000BaseT
Wireless LAN Interface (802.11b/g/n)
KYOmulticode SD 3
Contains all the functionalities of PCL Barcode Flash plus Unicode font “Andale Mono World Type“ which allows the user to print Asian fonts (Japanese, Korean, current and traditional Chinese)
1,024 MB RAM Expansion
PCL Barcode SD
Adds additional one- and two-dimensional barcodes to the KYOCERA device (as well as the resident and machine-readable fonts OCR-A, OCR-B)
Scan extension Kit (A) AC
Scan to searchable PDF (embedded OCR) or to MS Office
(docx, xlsx, pptx), HDD, SSD or SD-card is needed.
ThinPrint support
TPM (Trusted Platform Module)
USB IC Card Reader + Card Authentication Kit (B)
Support for various authentication keys available
Kyocera solutions to resolve all business needs.