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If you have entered a correct email from our database, we will respond in 24 hours.
You can request a new account by submitting your details to your local sales centre. Upon approval, we will email you a temporary password.
Click on the link below to sign into Kyocera Connect which will take you to Account Services.
1st January – 31st March 2025
Promotion Duration & Qualifying Products
1. This promotion is valid for orders placed between the 1st January 2025 until the 31st March 2025 while stocks last (unless otherwise stated). Promotional periods may vary between individual products.
2. Only the products (devices and selected accessories) listed with the promotional education sector discount specified in Appendix 1 qualify for this promotion.
3. Offer applies to brand new units only and does not apply to refurbished stock.
4. Offer only applies to items purchased directly from Kyocera Document Solutions (UK) Ltd (“KDUK”).
5. The promotion is only valid when promotional devices are ordered under bespoke pricing using the reference “Partner Education Promotion.” If this reference is not used the PO will be rejected.
6. The offer is open to nominated UK Servicing Dealers who have been agreed for inclusion by KDUK’s Head of Dealer Channel Sales only. The offer excludes direct end-user customers and other resellers.
7. This promotion excludes special bid pricing or any other special pricing. The promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.
8. To qualify for promotional pricing, participating UK Servicing Dealers must provide Sell Out data to prove the end user is a customer within the education sector.
Sell Out data must be provided within 30 days of the UK Servicing Dealer taking delivery of the goods.
Sell Out data must include the following information:
i. KDUK PO number
ii. Serial number
iii. Product name
iv. End user name and location
v. End user type
vi. Proof of Delivery
9. The promotional education sector pricing will cease to be available to participating UK Servicing Dealers in the event that their Sell Out data is not provided within the timeframe stipulated or the information provided is inadequate and does not meet the criteria specified above in clause 8.
10. KDUK reserves the right to end or withdraw this promotion at any time without notice.
11. Kyocera reserves the right to withhold or withdraw the promotion if the Dealer is in breach of any of the terms of its Dealer Agreement including but not limited to being late with payments due to Kyocera.
12. Offer is valid in the UK only.
KDUK in its sole discretion, reserves the right to validate any claims received and/or reject any claims which fail validation.
This promotion is not available to the below partners.