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Our economy is evolving. Nearly half of medium and large businesses have already begun their own Smarter Workspaces transition as part of their ongoing digital transformation strategies.
Kyocera Document Solutions UK's latest white paper, Smarter Workspaces: Digital Transformation - The Inside Story, provides insight into the way in which companies are planning to take on this challenge.
Building around an employee-focused approach to the implementation of new strategy, it is increasingly evident that digital transformation is more than just an IT project. In fact, IDG Research of 150 large European businesses which forms the base of this white paper shows that CEOs and HR departments are also key leaders in such projects.
Smarter workspaces are centred around people but facilitated by technology.
The presence of HR in the process also reflects the importance of people in digital transformation, leading the generation of smarter workspaces which enhance their mobility and efficiency by utilising the very latest in cutting-edge technology.
Enhancing productivity of employees is among the top priorities included in the findings of the research, alongside fundamental business objectives such as becoming more flexible in reacting to new opportunities and enhancing information security. Through the implentation of a people-focused strategy to create smarter workspaces, organisations can optimise their resources.
Read more about how your worksplace can use technology to become a more efficient, productive place through the rise of digital transformation. This white paper provides invaluable insight into how companies are rising to the challenge presented by new technologies.