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The TASKalfa 9002i sets new levels of high speed printing for light production environments. With high speed comes high productivity. With a maximum paper input capacity of 7,650 sheets and maximum output capacity of 4,300 sheets this device deals with large print jobs effortlessly and efficiently. A fast processor and large memory ensures print jobs are processed at high speed whilst the optional finisher can deliver completed booklets and tri-folded leaflets in-house. The 9” full colour touch screen also allows operators to quickly and intuitively access the myriad of time saving functions available from this device.
Toner-Kit for 70,000 pages. Average continuous toner yield in accordance with 6 % coverage (A4)
Waste Toner Bottle: 150,000 sheets (in accordance with 5% coverage. Colour: b/w = 6:4)
Data Security Kit (E) AC
In line with ISO 15408 (Common Criteria). Only 4in1 MFP-models carry official CC-Certification.
Fax System 12
Super G3 Fax, network fax
Wireless LAN (802.11b/g/n) with Wi-Fi Direct
Gigabit-Ethernet board 10BaseT/100BaseTX/1000BaseT
Wireless LAN Interface (802.11b/g/n)
Internet Fax Kit
Type A
Keyboard Holder 10
For optional USB keyboard
Numeric keypad make it easier to enter large amounts of numeric data.
Staple cartridge
Staple cartridge
ThinPrint support
Emulation (IBM Proprinter/EPSON LQ-850/Diablo 630)
USB IC Card Reader + Card Authentication Kit (B)
Support for various authentication keys available
Kyocera solutions to resolve all business needs.